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Licensing Board Agenda September 10, 2007

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Chapter 29, Section 23A of the      Massachusetts General Laws that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, September 10, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room, at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.
1.  Applications for  Special One Day Alcohol Licenses.  Applicant:  Trish Schott, for Hamilton Hall and The House of Seven Gables.
2.  Application for a Special One Day Alcohol License.  Applicant:  The Peabody Essex Museum at the Phillips Library on September 19, 2007.
3.  Application for a Special One Day Alcohol License.  Applicant:  Joanna Kulik, at the Cotting –Smith Assembly House on October 19, 2007.
4.  Applications for Special One Day Alcohol Licenses.  Applicant:  The Phoenix School at Hamilton Hall on November 17, 2007.
5.  Application for a Blanket Vendor License.  Applicant:  David Stickney, for the Pirate Fare at Winter Island on September 15 and 16, 2007.
6.  Application for a Common Victualler License.  Applicant:  Ruben Baez for Salem Tipico Restaurant at 86-88 Congress Street.
7.  Application for a Transfer of a 7 day all Alcohol License.  Applicant:  Steven Barrett, T Restaurant, Congress Street.
8.  Discussion with Rockafella’s regarding June incident.
9.  Discussion with Roosevelts regarding business update.                               
10.  Discussion with John and Peggy Keefe regarding status of their Alcohol License.
11.  Hearing with Casa Blanca/Doc Ryans, 109 Lafayette Street.
12,  Discussion regarding Chapter 304 compliance
13.  Old/New Business
14.. Communications.                                                                                                                                                   
15.  Adjournment.                                                                                    
Barbara A. Sirois
Clerk of the Board